Some recommendations for when you're probably stuck inside and avoiding any more talk of Coronavirus.
In light of events, flights and mass gatherings being cancelled (and Mabel being with my mum for the day), I wanted to share some updates and recommendations for when you're done working from home.
I do love a podcast, I tend to listen to a mixture of start-up work topics, interviews and absolute nonsense. So here are a couple from my subscribe list:
Women in Business, in particular: Fear of Failure with Stacey Dooley and Ebony Rainford-Brent (6th Jan)
Ellie and Anna Have Issues, it's lighthearted, funny/I've 'lolled' a few times in public listening to this.
Little Smiths - An award winning Norwich-based gift shop full of unique handmade goodies. (@littlesmithsnorfolk)
Ace & Prince - A online lifestyle brand that that I've recently discovered through instagram (@aceandprince) and have many tote bags on my wishlist!
I'm a sucker for anything call the midwife-esque and with more frequent visits to the library since having a nearly 2-year-old I picked one up called 'Shoes Were For Sunday'. It's a delightful read.
The Middle (on Amazon Prime) - 20 Minute episodes with a modern family vibe, it's easy watching and Sue Heck is by far the best character.
If you have any questions that relate to being a 'start up' business or what the first step is in starting a brand, feel free to message me via the website link or share this email with a friend :D I'll be updating my services this week on the site and will publish them shortly.
Have a good week!
Thanks, Harriet x